80-Year-Old Home Transforming Into Impressive IBS Exhibit

Filed in International Builders' Show, Remodelers on June 22, 2017 • 0 Comments
Set to debut during the NAHB International Builders’ Show, The New American Remodel 2018 is undergoing a comprehensive remodel that includes all-new products, technology and additions.
The home was built in 1937 with a simple floorplan and Italian-luminesce design. Over the years, several additions were made, but those portions of the property were among the first things to go during the renovation.
“We want to capitalize on the good [design elements of the home] and take away the bad,” said Caron Farina, head of advertising for the project’s builder, Farina & Sons.
Their goal, she said, is to create a home for a “real-life family,” as well as provide other remodelers and builders with ideas to incorporate into their own projects.
It will also illustrate just how much more efficient a home can be by using today’s building products and techniques.
Drew Smith of Two Trails Inc., the project’s green building consultant, said the original home scored a whopping 125 on the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index.
“It was one of the least efficient homes we’ve ever measured,” Smith said.
That will certainly change when the project wraps up. Smith estimates the final HERS Index score of the home will be well under 60 — meaning it will be more energy efficient that roughly half of all standard new homes.
All registered attendees of IBS 2018 will be eligible to tour both The New American Remodel and The New American Home during the Show dates, Jan. 9-11. Registration opens Aug. 1.